Pcos Shaving Tips

Tackling the trials of shaving with PCOS? Our guide is here to help. Dive into our curated advice to achieve smoother and more comfortable shaves.


Tired of PCOS-Related Hair Growth? Here's How KetchBeauty IPL Can Help: PCOS Hair Removal at Home


Choosing the Right Razor

Consider an electric razor

When it comes to choosing the right razor, one option to consider is an electric razor. Electric razors are convenient and easy to use, making them a popular choice among many individuals.

They can provide a quick and efficient shave, especially for those with sensitive skin. Electric razors also come with different settings and features that allow you to customize your shave to your liking. Whether you prefer a close shave or a more stubbly look, an electric razor can cater to your needs.


Opt for a single-blade razor

For individuals with sensitive skin, using a single-blade razor can be a game-changer. Unlike multi-blade razors, which can increase the risk of irritation and razor burn, single-blade razors are gentler on the skin.

They provide a close shave without causing unnecessary friction or irritation. Single-blade razors also tend to be more affordable than their multi-blade counterparts, making them a great option for those on a budget.


Look for a razor with a moisturizing strip

To keep your skin hydrated and prevent dryness during and after shaving, it's worth looking for a razor with a moisturizing strip. This strip typically contains ingredients such as aloe vera or shea butter, which help to lubricate the skin and provide a smoother glide.

This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with dry or sensitive skin, as it helps to minimize the risk of irritation and leaves the skin feeling nourished after shaving.


  • Consider an electric razor: One of the top-rated is the Braun Silk-épil 9. It's great for sensitive skin and offers various customization features.
  • Opt for a single-blade razor: The Merkur Classic Safety Razor is a favorite among those with sensitive skin. It’s both gentle and budget-friendly.
  • Look for a razor with a moisturizing strip: The Gillette Venus Embrace has five blades and a hydrating ribbon of moisture, perfect for preventing dryness.

Preparing Your Skin

Exfoliate before shaving

One of the key steps in preparing your skin for a smooth shave is exfoliating beforehand. Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells, allowing the razor to glide more easily over the skin.

It also helps to prevent ingrown hairs, which can be a common issue for individuals with PCOS. To exfoliate, gently massage a scrub or exfoliating mitt over your skin in circular motions. Focus on areas prone to ingrown hairs, such as the bikini line or underarms.


Use warm water to soften the hair

Using warm water before shaving can help to soften the hair, making it easier to cut and reducing the risk of irritation.

Wet your skin with warm water or take a warm shower before shaving to ensure the hair is thoroughly soaked. This will help to open up the hair follicles and prepare your skin for a comfortable and effective shave.


Apply a shaving cream or gel

To create a protective barrier between your skin and the razor, it's essential to use a shaving cream or gel. These products help to lubricate the skin, allowing the razor to glide smoothly and reducing the risk of nicks and cuts.

Look for a shaving cream or gel that is specifically formulated for sensitive skin or one that contains moisturizing ingredients. Apply a generous amount to the area you wish to shave and leave it on for a few minutes to further soften the hair.


Shaving Techniques

Shave in the direction of hair growth

To minimize irritation and razor burn, it's best to shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving against the grain can cause the hair to be cut too short, leading to ingrown hairs and irritation.

By following the direction of hair growth, you'll achieve a closer shave while reducing the risk of skin irritation. Take short, gentle strokes with the razor, rinsing it frequently to remove any hair and shaving cream buildup.


Avoid applying too much pressure

It's important to remember that a razor should glide across your skin with minimal pressure. Applying too much pressure can cause the blades to scrape against the skin, resulting in redness, inflammation, and even cuts.

Allow the weight of the razor to do the work for you and avoid pressing down too hard. If you find that you need to go over an area multiple times, it may be time to change your blade or razor.


Rinse the razor frequently

To ensure a smooth and effective shave, it's crucial to rinse the razor frequently during the shaving process. Hair and shaving cream can accumulate in the blades, which can affect the performance of the razor and increase the risk of irritation.

Gently tap the razor against the sink or run it under warm water to remove any debris. This will help to maintain the sharpness of the blades and ensure a clean, comfortable shave.


  • Avoid applying too much pressure: Using razors like the Schick Hydro Silk which has skin guards can help in reducing pressure and irritation.
  • Rinse the razor frequently: And occasionally, cleanse with a solution to ensure hygiene.

Moisturizing after Shaving

Use a gentle moisturizer

After shaving, it's important to moisturize your skin to replenish lost moisture and keep it hydrated. Opt for a gentle moisturizer that is free of fragrances and harsh ingredients, as these can further irritate sensitive skin.

Look for moisturizers that are specifically formulated for sensitive or dry skin, as they tend to be more soothing and nourishing. Apply the moisturizer to your skin using gentle, upward motions, allowing it to fully absorb before getting dressed.


Avoid fragrances and harsh ingredients

When choosing a moisturizer after shaving, it's best to avoid products that contain fragrances and harsh ingredients. Fragrances can be irritating to the skin, especially for individuals with sensitive or reactive skin.

Harsh ingredients such as alcohol or menthol can also cause stinging or burning sensations. Opt for fragrance-free and gentle moisturizers that are designed to calm and hydrate the skin without causing further irritation.


Consider using an oil-based moisturizer

If you find that traditional moisturizers do not provide enough hydration for your skin, consider using an oil-based moisturizer. Oil-based moisturizers, such as those containing argan oil or jojoba oil, can provide deep hydration and nourishment to the skin.

They help to seal in moisture and create a protective barrier, preventing dryness and maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Apply a few drops of the oil-based moisturizer onto your skin and gently massage it in for best results.


Dealing with Ingrown Hairs

Exfoliate regularly to prevent ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs can be a common concern for individuals with PCOS, but there are steps you can take to prevent them. Regular exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and prevent hair follicles from becoming clogged.

Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or mitt and focus on areas where ingrown hairs are more likely to occur, such as the bikini line or underarms. Be sure to exfoliate gently to avoid further irritation or inflammation.


Avoid tight clothing

Wearing tight clothing can contribute to the development of ingrown hairs, as the friction and pressure can cause the hair to curl back into the skin. Opt for looser-fitting clothing, especially immediately after shaving, to allow your skin to breathe and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

This is particularly important for areas such as the bikini line and underarms, where clothes are more likely to rub against the skin.


Apply a warm compress to the affected area

If you do develop an ingrown hair, applying a warm compress can help to alleviate discomfort and encourage the hair to break through the skin's surface. Soak a clean washcloth in warm water and gently apply it to the affected area for a few minutes.

This will help to soften the skin and hair, making it easier to remove the ingrown hair without causing further irritation. Be sure to cleanse the area afterward to prevent infection.


Managing Razor Bumps

Apply a cool compress to reduce inflammation

Razor bumps, also known as pseudofolliculitis barbae, can be uncomfortable and unsightly. To reduce inflammation and soothe the affected area, apply a cool compress. Wrap a clean, damp washcloth around ice cubes or run it under cold water.

Gently apply the compress to the razor bump for a few minutes, then remove and repeat as needed. The cool temperature will help to constrict blood vessels and reduce redness and swelling.


Use a mild hydrocortisone cream

If you experience persistent razor bumps, using a mild hydrocortisone cream can provide relief. Hydrocortisone cream helps to reduce inflammation and soothe itchiness associated with razor bumps.

Apply a thin layer of the cream to the affected area, following the instructions on the packaging. Be mindful not to overuse hydrocortisone cream, as prolonged use can have side effects. If your razor bumps persist or worsen, it's best to consult a dermatologist for further guidance.


Avoid picking or scratching the bumps

While it can be tempting to pick or scratch at razor bumps, doing so can worsen the condition and increase the risk of infection. Picking at the bumps can lead to scarring and further irritation.

Instead, focus on gentle care and let the bumps heal on their own. If you're experiencing discomfort, applying a cool compress or using a mild hydrocortisone cream can help to alleviate symptoms without causing further damage to the skin.


Tips for Sensitive Skin

Choose a hypoallergenic shaving cream

If you have sensitive skin, it's essential to choose a shaving cream that is specifically formulated for your skin type. Look for hypoallergenic options that are free of fragrances and harsh chemicals.

These shaving creams are designed to be gentle on the skin, reducing the risk of irritation and inflammation. Avoid shaving creams that contain ingredients known to cause sensitivity, such as sulfates or alcohol. Test a small patch of skin before using the product to ensure it doesn't cause any adverse reactions.


Use a moisturizing shaving gel

In addition to a hypoallergenic shaving cream, using a moisturizing shaving gel can provide added hydration and protection for sensitive skin. Look for shaving gels that contain moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera or shea butter.

These ingredients help to soothe and nourish the skin while reducing friction during the shaving process. Apply a thin, even layer of the shaving gel to your skin before shaving to create a barrier that allows the razor to glide smoothly.


Test products on a small patch of skin before use

When incorporating new products into your shaving routine, it's important to test them on a small patch of skin before using them on larger areas. This will help to determine if you have any allergies or sensitivities to the product.

Apply a small amount of the product to a discreet area, such as the inside of your wrist, and wait for 24 hours to see if any redness, irritation, or discomfort occurs. If there are no adverse reactions, you can safely use the product on a larger area.


Avoiding Razor Burn

Shave with the grain of the hair

To avoid razor burn, it's important to shave with the grain of the hair. Shaving against the grain can cause the hair to be cut too short, leading to irritation and inflammation.

Shaving in the direction of hair growth helps to minimize friction and reduce the risk of razor burn. Take your time and use gentle, long strokes with the razor for a closer shave without compromising the health of your skin. 


Change blades regularly

Using dull or old blades can contribute to razor burn and skin irritation. It's crucial to change your blades regularly to ensure a clean and efficient shave.

As a general rule of thumb, replace your blade or razor head every 5-7 shaves or as soon as you notice any signs of dullness or wear. A sharp blade will glide over the skin smoothly, reducing the risk of nicks, cuts, and razor burn.


Apply a soothing aftershave lotion

After shaving, applying a soothing aftershave lotion can help to calm the skin and minimize the risk of razor burn. Look for an aftershave lotion that is alcohol-free and contains moisturizing ingredients such as chamomile or aloe vera.

These ingredients help to reduce redness and inflammation while providing hydration to the skin. Gently apply the aftershave lotion to your skin, focusing on areas that are prone to razor burn.


Maintaining Good Hygiene

Clean your razor after each use

To prevent bacterial growth and maintain the effectiveness of your razor, it's important to clean it after each use. Rinse the razor under warm water to remove any hair, shaving cream, or debris.

You can also use a small brush, such as a toothbrush, to remove any stubborn residue. After cleaning, pat the razor dry with a clean towel to prevent rusting. Regularly disinfecting your razor can help to keep it in top condition and reduce the risk of infection.


Replace blades or heads regularly

To ensure a clean and effective shave, it's essential to replace your blades or razor heads regularly. Dull blades can cause dragging and tugging on the skin, increasing the risk of irritation and razor burn.

As a general guideline, change your blade or razor head every 5-7 shaves, or sooner if you notice any signs of wear or dullness. Keeping your razor sharp will result in a smoother and more comfortable shaving experience.


Avoid using someone else's razor

Sharing razors with others can lead to the transfer of bacteria and increase the risk of infection. To maintain good hygiene and minimize the risk of skin issues, avoid using someone else's razor.

You may also want to consider storing your razor in a separate, hygienic case to protect it from contaminants. By keeping your razor personal and clean, you can ensure a safe and effective shaving experience.


  • Clean your razor after each use


Minimizing Skin Irritation

Avoid shaving every day

For individuals with sensitive skin, shaving every day can lead to increased skin irritation. Give your skin a break and avoid shaving every day, if possible.

Shaving less frequently allows the skin to recover and reduces the risk of irritation. If you prefer a clean-shaven look, consider using an electric razor or trimmer to maintain a shorter stubble without the need for a close shave.


Try alternative hair removal methods

If traditional shaving continues to cause skin irritation, it may be worthwhile to explore alternative hair removal methods. Options such as waxing, sugaring, or using depilatory creams can provide a longer-lasting solution without the need for daily shaving.

These methods remove the hair from the root, reducing the frequency of hair removal and minimizing skin irritation. However, it's important to note that these methods may not be suitable for everyone, so it's best to consult with a professional or dermatologist before trying them.


Apply a cold compress to calm irritated skin

In cases of persistent skin irritation, applying a cold compress can help to calm the skin and reduce redness. Soak a clean washcloth in cold water, wring out any excess water, and gently apply the compress to the affected area for a few minutes.

The cold temperature helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation, providing relief to irritated skin. Be sure to pat your skin dry afterward and apply a gentle moisturizer to lock in hydration.


In conclusion, choosing the right razor, preparing your skin properly, using the correct shaving techniques, and moisturizing after shaving are all important factors in achieving a comfortable and irritation-free shave, especially for individuals with sensitive skin or PCOS.

By following these tips and taking care of your skin, you can enjoy a smooth and hassle-free shaving experience while minimizing the risk of ingrown hairs, razor bumps, and skin irritation. Remember to listen to your skin's needs, test products on a small patch of skin before use, and prioritize good hygiene to maintain healthy and happy skin.


Other PCOS Hair Removal options To Consider

Hair Removal Techniques 

While they offer temporary relief, waxing, threading, and shaving are popular because they're relatively affordable and accessible. However, they can lead to skin irritation and are not long-term solutions.

These hair removal techniques, including waxing, threading, and shaving, provide a quick fix for excess facial hair associated with PCOS.

However, they may not address the root cause and can result in skin irritation and the need for frequent maintenance.


Laser Hair Removal, Electrolysis, and IPL Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses light to target and destroy hair follicles. Electrolysis involves inserting a tiny needle into each hair follicle to destroy it with an electric current.

Both methods can provide longer-lasting results than traditional hair removal methods, but they can be expensive and might require multiple sessions.


More About At-home IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Devices to Stop Hair Growth Due to PCOS

“I love my V4.1! It has not removed all the desired hair (due to graying), but it has removed a great deal of it. ALL of my dark hairs, especially on my chest and belly, are gone. The hair on my arms, legs and face have thinned significantly and have slowed down in growth time and best part was no more 5 o'clock shadow. I still need to shave my face daily to get that girly smoothness, but it is even barely there the next day. Electrolysis will be far cheaper now and that makes me happy! The V4.1 has been a great investment for my journey to be me.”

In the evolving landscape of beauty tech, at-home IPL devices bring salon-standard treatments to the comfort of one's home. These devices utilize intense pulsed light to target and disrupt hair follicles, reducing hair growth. 

Their major draw is the convenience they offer, eliminating frequent salon visits coupled with the promise of long-term hair reduction. While the initial investment might seem steep, the cumulative cost often compares favorably with professional treatments over time. 

Achieving desired results requires commitment, involving multiple sessions over weeks. It's also vital to note that these devices work best on contrasting hair and skin tones, like dark hair on light skin. For those seeking professional-level results with home convenience, IPL devices are a compelling choice.


Safety Tips and Best Practices

Embarking on your facial hair removal journey requires selecting the correct method and ensuring you're executing it safely. Whether using a simple tweezer or a high-tech IPL device, adhering to best practices can prevent unwanted side effects and ensure optimal results. 

Here are some pivotal safety tips:

  • Patch Test: Before using any product or device, always conduct a patch test on a small skin area to check for adverse reactions.
  • Clean Tools: Ensure all tools, whether tweezers, razors, or epilators, are cleaned and disinfected before use to prevent infections.
  • Exfoliate: Regularly exfoliate your skin to ward off ingrown hairs, especially after waxing or epilation.
  • Follow Instructions: Always read and adhere to the manufacturer's instructions, particularly with chemical products or electronic devices.
  • Avoid Sun: After procedures like waxing, laser, or IPL, protect the skin from direct sun exposure to prevent pigmentation issues.
  • Moisturize: Keep your skin hydrated post-removal to soothe and maintain its health.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) handset offers a cutting-edge method for hair removal that is longer-lasting than traditional methods. 

Here's a breakdown of what IPL is, how it works, and specific information on using the KetchBeauty range of IPL handsets: 


Understanding IPL:

  • What is IPL? IPL uses broad-spectrum light that targets the melanin in hair. This light then converts to heat, damaging the hair follicle, which reduces hair growth over time.
  • Long-Term Solution: IPL isn't a one-time solution. It requires multiple sessions but offers a significant long-term reduction in hair growth.


KetchBeauty’s IPL Range:

  • OG IPL Handset: The OG is KetchBeauty’s original device. It offers an ergonomic design suitable for first-time users. This handset can be used on any body part, including the face and bikini.
  • V4.1 IPL Handset: The V4.1 boasts faster results than the OG, with users seeing changes in as little as 2-3 treatments. It also has an improved ergonomic design and can be used on all skin tones except the darkest.
  • MX2 Pro IPL Handset: The MX2 is the most advanced in the range, offering the fastest treatment time. It has five energy levels to cater to different hair types and densities.


Effortless and PERMANENT full-body hair reduction/removal at home with the KetchBeauty MX2 IPL Hair Removal Handset

Say goodbye to unwanted face & body hair for good and enjoy soft, smooth, hair-free skin and professional-quality results in the comfort of your home with the Mx2 Pro IPL hair removal handset.

  • User-friendly design
  • ⭐Digital interface (new*)
  • ⭐999,999 pulses (new*)
  • ⭐Usage tracking (new*)
  • ⭐8 intensity levels (new*)
  • ⭐Ice cold mode (new*)
  • Automatic flash mode
  • ⭐Lifetime warranty (new*)
  • ⭐6 months money back (new*)
  • Suitable for full-body use
  • ⭐For all skin tones (new*)

The Mx2 IPL handset is most effective on black and dark brown hair and is unsuitable for removing red, white, grey, or blonde hair.

Say goodbye to unwanted hair with confidence and enjoy the convenience of long-lasting results.

Choose KetchBeauty and transform your hair removal routine today!

User Manual

Using KetchBeauty’s IPL Handsets:

  • Preparation: Shave the area you're going to treat. This ensures the IPL energy is focused on the hair root and not wasted on the hair above the skin.
  • Choose the Right Energy Level: Start with the lowest energy setting for first-time users and work your way up as your comfort allows. The MX2's varying energy levels offer flexibility for different hair types.
  • Consistent Sessions: Use the device once a week for the first 12 weeks for optimal results. After this initial phase, use it once every month for the next three months or until you achieve your desired result.
  • Post-IPL Care: Avoid exposure to the sun after treatment, as the skin will be sensitive. Use sunscreen if you're going out.


Safety and Side Effects:

  • Test Patch: Always do a test patch 24 hours before complete treatment to ensure no adverse reaction.
  • Avoid use on Tattoos: Do not use IPL directly over tattoos, as it can cause skin burns.
  • Side Effects: Some might experience slight redness post-treatment, which usually subsides within a few hours.



IPL, especially with the advanced features and effectiveness of the KetchBeauty handsets, offers a promising long-term solution for those looking to reduce hair growth.

Following the guidelines, maintaining consistency, and prioritizing safety is essential to achieve the best results.

Please note that for a more detailed and personalized guide, one should refer to the user manual of each KetchBeauty product and consult with professionals if unsure about IPL treatments.


Related article: How to Stop Facial Hair Growth Due to PCOS: 7 Easy Treatments!


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