Can I use IPL on my neck?

Yes, neck hair, itching and irritation from razor burn, and the need to shave every day can all be eliminated with laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal works on all skin types and hair types, including coarse, fine, thick, and sparse neck hair.


The most difficult place of your body to eliminate unwanted body hair from is your neck. Shaving or waxing the bottom of your neck might be difficult.

Some ladies like to have the hair that runs from their hairline to the back of their neck shaved off.

When hair is tied up, this hair can extend down the side of the neck, making it fairly noticeable.

Laser hair removal treatments are able to solve this problem by providing long-term hair-free outcomes.


Those with pale complexion and black hair are the best candidates for neck laser hair removal. Neck hair can be treated with any type of laser system, including IPL.

Your practitioner will recommend the best treatment for you, taking into account your individual needs.

 This article was written by practitioner and skincare specialist Faiy.

Related Product: KetchBeauty V4.1  Multi Function IPL Handset

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