How To Prepare For IPL and Laser Hair Removal Treatment 

It is important to prepare well before your IPL treatment to achieve the best results while being safe and comfortable.

  • Before your appointment, shave.

The region to be treated must be shaved clean. This is appropriate to everyone, for most treatments, and should be done at least 18–24 hours before treatment to guarantee minimal discomfort on the day of treatment and issues afterwards (In-growns etc).


  • Remove all fake tan from your body.

Please keep in mind that IPL treatments cannot be conducted on people who have a fake tan. It is dangerous to do so since the extra pigment in the fake tan increases the risk of burning.


  • For 4 weeks before treatment, refrain from plucking or waxing.

At least 4 weeks before treatment, all plucking, waxing, creams, and electrolysis should be avoided. This gives the hair follicles time to attain a similar growth length or stage, resulting in better outcomes and less pain.


  • Every day, exfoliate.

Exfoliate every day (including the day of treatment) and moisturize every day if possible (Excluding the day of treatment). This is advantageous for best results and reduces the chance of problems.


  • Avoid exposing yourself to the sun or UV rays.

Avoid the sun and sunbeds for at least 4-6 weeks before your treatment. Please advise the technician before your treatment if you have been burned in the two weeks before your treatment. Please let the technician know if you are more tanned than usual.


  • Remove any creams and deodorants.

On the day of your treatment, no topical lotions, moisturizers, deodorants, or anything else should be applied to your skin.


 This article was written by practitioner and skincare specialist Faiy.

Related Product: KetchBeauty V4.1  Multi Function IPL Handset

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