Does Laser Hair Removal Cause Cancer?

Laser hair removal is a high-end solution and the most effective way of getting rid of unwanted hair.

Before using laser hair removal treatments, it's very typical to be skeptical about some side effects and possible dangers of using laser hair removal.

Problems like irritation and redness are routine and eliminated with the right tools and proper procedures.

One common reason why people hesitate to start using laser hair removal for fuzz-free skin is the confusion as to whether it could cause cancer.


Does Laser Hair Removal Cause Cancer? 

No, is the answer, but a mere no may not suffice to debunk this myth.

The question above has been baffling many minds, and there is plenty of misinformation on the online space to get you intimidated. 

Hence, we'd take an insightful look that addresses the nitty-gritty of laser hair removal.


Understanding Laser Hair Removal

To understand the discussion better, taking a moment to know how laser hair removal works will do more than help.

Laser stands for (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

Laser hair removal uses laser technology which is a narrow beam of light focused in a single direction.

This technology is used in laser hair removal devices like the KetchBeauty at-home laser hair removal device to produce intense wavelengths of lights to heat the follicles and destroy them.

In other words, these devices operate on a focused light beam mechanism which destroys the cells of the hair follicles and stops them from growing anew.


What Type of Cancer?

There are many cancers; breast cancer, kidney cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, and many more.

So, instead of the terrifying and generic question "Does laser hair removal cause cancer," 

We can bring down the fear to a more specific question "does laser hair removal cause skin cancer."


There's no proof that laser hair removal can result in any form of cancer, be it skin cancer or others.

The treatment is very safe and effective when performed to schedule.

Nowadays, Laser hair removal can be done at home.

Thanks to KetchBeauty at home last hair removal, you don't need to visit a clinic any longer, neither would you spend a fortune.



According to experts on the cause of cancer, high-frequency rays such as gamma and x-rays are the most common causes of cancer.

This is because they both produce ionizing radiation of high frequency, and they only occur naturally from sources like the sun and radon gas.

High-frequency ionizing radiation can also occur from the action of man.

Nuclear power plants used to produce atomic energy release this radiation, and CT scans used in hospitals and laboratories to view the internal body also use x-ray.


The Effect:

Ionizing radiation is carcinogenic and very powerful such that it could damage the DNA of the body cells when it passes through the body.

Long-term exposure to this radiation is a leading cause of cancerous cell disease.


Does Laser Hair Removal Produces Radiation?

Yes, but which kind of radiation?

According to the United States Foods and Drug Administration, laser hair removal, on the other hand, involves non-ionizing radiation.

The rays of light energy produce during laser hair removal sessions are superficial and can neither cause DNA mutation nor DNA damage.

Many dermatologists have also attested to the safety of laser hair removal as the light is specifically designed to destroy the cells of the hair follicles by heating them.

These pulses of light are never strong enough to penetrate beyond the follicles, not to talk of penetrating the internal organ.

As it stands, no research or report has ever ascertained that laser hair removal can cause or lead to cancer.

However, there are some risks associated with improper procedures; most news is mere speculations and myths without proof.


Key Takeaways:

  1. Laser hair removal is free from all form of ultraviolet rays UVB or UVA, known for damaging DNA cells.
  2. The beam of light from this process does not go beyond the skin level and hair follicle.
  3. These products are only designed to destroy and damage hair follicles.
  4. This product is available at a fraction of the market cost and can be used at home or used on the go. Thanks to its portability.
  5. Always consult a dermatologist if something is not going smoothly.
  6. Only use devices that are FDA approved like ketch beauty at home laser hair removal device for treatment.


The fact that laser hair removal does not cause skin cancer is well known, and you can venture to say there's no link between laser hair removal and any form of cancer whatsoever.

Finally, when you need a product to recommend, the KetchBeauty at-home laser hair removal device is as safe as effective.