Does IPL work for dark spots?
Yes, IPL works to help lighten dark spots. Dark spots appear on the skin because cells called melanocytes exist beneath the skin that has the ability to generate pigmentation, and factors such as ageing and prolonged sun exposure drive these melanocytes to produce pigment.
IPL treats brown spots by selectively heating the pigment (while leaving the surrounding tissue unaffected), then elevating the heated, "damaged" patch to the skin's surface, where it is eliminated by the body's natural exfoliation process.
Brown spots that have been successfully treated will often darken over the next 24 hours before gradually fading away over the next 1-2 weeks.
IPL treatments are effective at reducing and removing brown and red spots on the skin, as well as improving the overall appearance.
However, because this treatment has "minimal or no downtime," 3-5 treatments are required to attain the optimum outcomes.
This article was written by practitioner and skincare specialist Faiy.
Related Product: KetchBeauty V4.1 Multi Function IPL Handset
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