Can clay masks cause breakouts?

Can clay masks cause breakouts?

Trying out a new skincare product sometimes causes a reaction, and clay masks are not left out as they can also lead to a breakout after that first try.

In our recent article " Best clay mask for acne and oily skins, "we shared our results and first impression after using our pink clay mask for the very first time. The insight will be beneficial to you and may shock you.

If your skin has a breakout after trying a clay mask for the first time, there is no need to panic or trash it. The next thing is to try to examine the affected areas to determine what exactly is going on.


how to treat acne breakouts | ketchbeauty

If the breakout occurs on areas of your skin that are not prone to it, then it is most likely a reaction to the clay mask, and you should consider stopping the use of the mask.

On the other hand, if the breakout is present at problem areas, then there is a high chance that your pores try to expel impurities such as toxins and bacteria from your skin.

This process is known as purging, and it can last for a few days or take up a whole skin cycle, which is 28 days long. While your skin is purging, it is best to let it breathe by avoiding makeup and staying hydrated at all times.

You should also eat lots of fruits, and try aerobic exercises as it could help to speed up the process. Now you know that clay masks could lead breakout, but this does not mean you should avoid them.

long term clay mask usage

Clay masks are worth trying and could improve your skin condition if you find the right one for you.

Shop KetchBeauty Pink Clay Face Mask ~ KetchBeauty's rose extract infused clay mask detoxifies, relaxes nerves, & effortlessly reduces the appearance of lines & wrinkles.

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