What to Know Before Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is a significant decision that requires extensive research and planning beforehand. This article provides crucial information for women on what to know before breast augmentation surgery.


Choosing the Right Surgeon

It is important not to rush when selecting a surgeon for breast augmentation. Take time to thoroughly research board-certified plastic surgeons and schedule consultations with several before deciding.

Look for an experienced surgeon who listens attentively and does not push the patient to choose substantially larger implants than desired.

During consultations, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different implant types. An ethical, skilled surgeon will provide guidance based on achievable outcomes for the individual's body, not attempt to sway decisions for personal gain.


Understanding Post-Operative Recovery

Patients need to be prepared that breasts can appear very abnormal immediately after surgery. Considerable swelling and bruising are common initially.

It takes many weeks or months for implants to settle into the proper position as inflammation goes down. Some temporary unevenness or largeness is normal and will improve over time.

Additionally, implants do not last indefinitely. Replacement surgery is typically needed every 10 years approximately as the implants wear out and rupture. The costs of future procedures should be considered when budgeting for initial augmentation.


Listening to One's Own Instincts

While advice from others can be helpful, patients should listen to their own preferences first and foremost. Decisions like implant size should be based on what makes the individual happiest.

Patients should also avoid undergoing surgery too young before their bodies and personal styles have fully matured. Waiting until the 20s or later when a stronger sense of self has developed may be beneficial. Ultimately timing is a personal decision.


Expecting a Recovery Period

The first month after surgery requires significant rest and limitation of activities. Patients need to follow all post-operative instructions from the surgeon carefully, including any restrictions on exercise or arm usage. Having help with daily tasks is advisable during early recovery.

Adequate rest allows the body to heal properly, enabling implants to settle into the most natural, aesthetically pleasing position. Attempting too much too soon can interfere with optimal results.


Weighing the Decision Seriously

While breast augmentation has benefits like improved confidence, there are permanent risks to any surgery. Individuals considering implants should take time to reflect on both potential upsides and downsides. Understanding motivations fully and getting input from loved ones can help determine if surgery is the right choice.

Alternatives like learning self-acceptance may also be considered if surgery does not feel suitable. This major decision warrants reflection and caution before moving forward.

Overall, women exploring breast augmentation should research surgeons thoroughly, comprehend realistic outcomes, listen to their own needs, and weigh all factors of this life-changing procedure with care.

Taking ample time to inform themselves allows patients to decide if breast implants are truly the best choice for their health and happiness.


In conclusion, breast augmentation surgery is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and planning. Women considering implants should take the time to research surgeons, understand the potential outcomes, and listen to their own needs. 

It is important to be aware of the risks and benefits of the procedure and to weigh all factors carefully before making a decision. Additionally, patients should be prepared for the post-operative recovery period and understand the need for adequate rest and follow-up care. 

Ultimately, breast augmentation can be a life-changing procedure that can improve confidence and self-esteem, but it is important to approach it with caution and make an informed decision based on individual needs and circumstances.