What Happens After IPL Hair Removal

After IPL hair removal, For 2 to 4 weeks, the hair will appear to grow (albeit slowly) before falling out; this is the treated hair being forced out of the follicle, not new growth.

Any hair that doesn't fall out is either too fine, too light, too deeply rooted, or wasn't treated properly.

You should have a hair-free time for 3 to 6 weeks after the hair has fallen out. Although new growth will appear, a certain percentage of hairs will not grow back.

With each session, this percentage will rise. Hair can be shaved, but not waxed or tweezed, in between treatments.

(Allow your hair to fall out naturally while it is shedding. Please refrain from waxing or plucking the treatment area!

If the hair does not come out naturally, the root is still alive, and the hair will need to be targeted again in a subsequent treatment.

After your IPL treatments, you can shave, but avoid any procedures that pull hair out by the roots.)


 This article was written by practitioner and skincare specialist Faiy.

Related Product: KetchBeauty V4.1  Multi Function IPL Handset

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