Transgender Gender Dysphoria And Self Love Tips

Body and gender dysphoria are pertinent issues among trans people and thus, it is important to equip yourself with tools and techniques that can help you power through such moments.

Firstly, it is important to understand dysphoria and how it emerges. Dysphoria is intense discomfort associated with the difference between your internal self and your external physical attributes.

Dysphoria often manifests as a dislike or unacceptance of your several, which is extremely severe in nature. Many people cite mirrors as a trigger for their dysphoria.  


In addition, dysphoria can be attributed to different regions of a person’s body. For some, secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts tend to be regions of dysphoria, while for others it may be their voice or their hips or even their shoulders.

Therefore, the most obvious route that you can undertake in order to mitigate dysphoria is to work on self-acceptance. Unfortunately, there is no one simple way in which this can be achieved.

There are, however, two ways to go about it. Firstly, you can work on acceptance and appreciation of what you have been blessed with. Secondly, you can change aspects that you don’t like.

However, please note that there are many things that you may not be able to change even with procedures and surgeries. In such a case, self-acceptance is the only solution. 


As far as surgeries are concerned, there are a host of options, such as breast augmentation surgery, bottom surgery, vaginoplasty, as well as facial feminization surgery.

However, surgeries are merely the first step of the process. Regardless of which option you choose, you will have to put in internal work in order to work towards complete acceptance of yourself.


If you are aware of your triggers, it might help to engage in positive self-talk right before you encounter them. This way, if you are prone to be judgmental in such circumstances, your positive-self talk could overpower such feelings and emotions.

This is essentially a way to condition your mind to experience positive emotions and feelings each time you encounter your triggers that lead to dysphoria. Thus, if mirrors are your triggers, each time you know you would pass by one, you could remind yourself that you are going to see “her” and she is beautiful.

Talk to yourself and advise your brain against being hypercritical. While this method undoubtedly works, it takes a significant amount of time to be effective.

Give yourself compliments and focus on your attributes that are attractive. Overlook your problem areas consciously.


Sending yourself love and saying positive things to yourself in the mirror can be extremely powerful. In fact, self-hatred can only be combated by self-love.

Often, your criticism comes with your fear of not passing and hence, if you undertake steps to pass more often, dysphoria can be mitigated to a large extent. 


Thus, you need to find a balance between working with that internal voice without succumbing to its hate and bullying.

It is crucial to not give too much weight or merit to the voice, since our thoughts exist independent of us. These thoughts can be so deeply conditioned into the neural pathways that we tend to stop questioning them after a point.

As such, it becomes difficult to differentiate fact from fiction. Essentially, don’t give too much power to your voice and don’t believe everything that it says.

This is easier said than done because such voices and comments can be extremely triggering. However, with practice, you can shush it with little to no effort. 


Through all this the goal must be to change whatever you can and garner the strength to accept whatever you cannot change. Another method that can really help is to understand that each woman is unique.

Instead of comparing yourself to unachievable beauty standards that the majority of cis and trans women cannot live up to, try and compare yourself to women whose body type is similar to yours.

This will remind you that women come in all shapes and sizes and thus, broad shoulders or straight hips do not take away from your womanhood. Thus, being realistic about your expectations from the transition journey can also go a long way in avoiding disappointment. 

Finally, being there for yourself. Console and pacify yourself when you find things you cannot change and help your mind build the strength required to move past it.

Loving yourself and accepting yourself makes all the difference. We hope this article has equipped you with the tools required to alleviate gender dysphoria. Good luck!! 

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