How to Know if You Are Transgender: Identifying Gender Dysphoria

Mathilda Hogberg is a transgender YouTuber who creates informative content about her transition experience. In this article, Mathilda provides insights from her personal journey with recognizing gender dysphoria and transitioning.

She shares her experiences with feeling different as a child, envying other girls, puberty difficulties, and realizing she was transgender after seeing a TV show. Mathilda also outlines the steps she took to seek professional help, get diagnosed with gender dysphoria, start hormone replacement therapy, and fully transition. 

Her story provides an inside look at the complex process of understanding one's gender identity and deciding to transition. Let's take a closer look at How to Know if You Are Transgender.


Recognizing Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria refers to the distress caused by a disconnect between one's assigned gender at birth and their actual gender identity. According to Mathilda, she experienced gender dysphoria from a very young age:


Feeling Different as a Child

Mathilda shares that at 2 or 3 years old, she had a "sinking feeling that something was wrong." She felt she was not like everyone else.


Envying Other Girls

When Mathilda started school, she was very jealous of the other girls. She wanted to be like them and felt she was one of them, though she was assigned male at birth.


Discomfort With Puberty

When Mathilda went through puberty, her gender dysphoria intensified. She began hating how her body looked and changed. This caused significant distress.


Finding the Term "Transgender"

At 15, Mathilda saw a TV show about transgender people and instantly realized that's what she was. The term gave words to her lifelong feelings that something was wrong.


Seeking Professional Help

For Mathilda, recognizing she was transgender was an important first step. However, to transition in Sweden, professional help is required.


Gender Dysphoria Diagnosis

Mathilda met with therapists and doctors who diagnosed her with gender dysphoria after she described her distress. This diagnosis was needed to begin transitioning.


Parental Consent

If under 18, parental consent is required for therapy. Though difficult, Mathilda recommends telling parents if they can help with the process.


Hormone Replacement Therapy

After her gender dysphoria diagnosis, Mathilda was able to start hormone replacement therapy. This helped her get the body her mind wanted.


A Lengthy Process

Sweden has a thorough process to ensure someone is truly transgender before they transition. Though it takes years, Mathilda feels this prevents her from de-transitioning later.


Advice for Questioning Gender Identity

For those questioning their gender identity, Mathilda recommends:

  • Finding a therapist knowledgeable about transgender issues
  • Opening up about gender-related feelings and distress
  • Having patience with the process of exploring identity
  • Seeking personalized guidance instead of relying on Internet research

The key is finding professional support to understand one's unique circumstances and path to living authentically.



Recognizing gender dysphoria and seeking help to transition allowed Mathilda to live as her true self. Her story provides insight into one transgender experience.

The journey of understanding and expressing one's gender identity is highly personal, calling for professional support and self-understanding. With time and care, those questioning can determine if they are transgender and what steps feel right for them.