Facial & Body Hair Removal For Transgender Women
It’s time to say goodbye to unwanted facial and body hair and Uncomfortable Situations.
How can transgender women get rid of facial hair?
Unwanted face and body hair removal can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Shaving, waxing, plucking, creams, and more are all short-term solutions that can cause ingrown hairs, rough patches, and constant anxiety about covering a potential five o’clock shadow.
Permanent face and body hair removal is the obvious choice when transitioning from male to female, allowing you to show up anywhere with pride and comfort. There are a few options for long-lasting and effective hair removal that empower you to show up as your authentic self.
As a transitioning woman, your best options for long-lasting and effective hair removal (facial and body) are:
- IPL or Intense pulsed light hair removal
- Electrolysis
- Laser hair removal
Before we talk in-depth about the hair removal methods above, it's crucial to understand how hair grows on our bodies.

Unlike other mammals, humans do not shed seasonally; we continually go through three (3) different hair growth cycles, and all three phases happen simultaneously.
The anagen phase is the first hair growth cycle, known as the growing phase.
The anagen phase is the phase you target when you want to treat your hair follicles. That means whenever you are having laser hair removal, electrolysis, or IPL hair removal; you want your hair to be in the anagen phase because studies show this is when hair removal is most effective.
The Catagen phase is the second phase of the hair cycle and is when the hairs begin to shed.
During this very temporary stage, the hair is no longer attached to the follicle/root and is in the process of being shed out. Hair removal treatments done in this phase are somewhat effective but primarily ineffective in this stage as the hair is no longer attached to the root, and any therapy done will not reach the source of which the hair is growing.
The telogen phase is the last stage of hair growth. The telogen phase, also known as the resting phase, can last from days to years.
During this phase, the hair is not visible on the outer layer of your skin, and treatments are ineffective because there is nothing to transfer the energy from the tip of the hair down to the follicle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_follicle#Telogen_phase
Hair growth cycles are why you have to go for numerous laser hair removal sessions because you want to catch each hair growth cycle in the anagen phase (usually 2-6 weeks apart) once the new cycle is beginning.
Now that you understand the hair growth cycles, let's talk about the best hair removal methods for MTF transgender women.
IPL is another type of effective laser hair removal method, such as the Alexandrite laser. It's a light therapy used primarily to remove unwanted hair from home, get rid of wrinkles, and treat spots.
Instead of using a concentrated beam of light, IPL devices use an array of light and are A LOT MORE AFFORDABLE than a salon, and you can do it from the privacy of your own home.
Here's what Nikki Has to say about our IPL:
"Nikki - 21 JAN 2021 (35 upvotes)
I was nervous buying this because it seemed a little too good to be true, considering how low the price is for what you are getting and how good the reviews are. I finally caved and bought this product on 30 October, and it was delivered on 4 November.
The packaging was very nice; My first thought was that it looked legit.
It has a little bit of weight to it. When you turn it on, you can hear some kind of whirring noise like something is happening.
Note that the "zaps" are EXTREMELY bright. Even pressed tight to my skin and wearing eyeglasses, I keep my eyes closed during the flash to be on the safe side. The first session I used seemed not to do anything, but I had only used the device at power level 1 because I was nervous it would hurt.
In the second session, I did a few things differently: I turned up the power level to 3 and did one pass of zapping over the areas I was treating as neatly as possible, like I was following a grid.
Then I turned the power level to 4, did one more pass, and in the areas where my skin is lightest, I went ahead and did the same again at power level 5 (maximum strength). So each spot of hair growth gets 2 or 3 zaps every time I use it, and I usually wait 4 to 6 days before I use it again.
It doesn't take much time to cover a large area because the part of the device that does the zapping has broad coverage.
After my second and third sessions, the hair on my upper lip never grew back.
It took six sessions to get rid of 99% of my chin/jaw/neck hair (two stubborn hairs left on my jaw).
After four sessions, my tummy hair is about 2/3rd of the way gone, and my armpit hair has been reduced by nearly half.
I have had this product for one month, which has significantly reduced my unwanted hair. For context, I am a transgender latina woman with a light yellow/gold skin tone, and my body hair is extremely thick, coarse, black, and curly.
Please note, anywhere you have more melanin in your skin, the higher levels can also burn your skin instead of just hair- so do not use level 5 where your skin is medium-tone or tan, and do not use level 4 or up where your skin is dark.
The device has a little card showing which intensity levels are safe for skin/hair colors. I have found the best technique is shaving and then waiting until I get a "5 o'clock" shadow bit of hair growth before zapping.
You will literally smell burning hair if you use this technique, but it does not hurt, and this seems to be the best way to get the fastest results. You'll notice that a few hairs seem to be zapped out immediately, but most of the hairs you lose will fall out after a day or two.
Just try to be consistent, and it really, really works.
I am excited about eventually not needing to shave, but I am much more excited by the lack of that post-shave shadow.
Especially for my underarms, it is incredible to see the patches where hair no longer grows and are regular skin color instead of that gray/purple tone that my armpits usually have after shaving.
After sessions, your skin will feel warm to the touch, but I have had zero actual burns anywhere on my body.
Throughout an entire session, I might have one or two "Ow!" moments where a zap actually hurts, but the pain level is comparable to being snapped by a rubber band and goes away instantly.
I use the "Australian Gold Aloe Vera Freeze Gel with Lidocaine" as a cooling gel after my skin feels particularly warm to the touch.
Please, please learn from my mistake and do NOT put that cooling gel on your face: it gave me the worst acne breakout of my life.
At first, I wasn't sure if this device or the gel triggered the breakout, but after continuous use of the device without the gel, I can confirm that this device does not trigger breakouts.
Now I use a gentle face moisturizer after zapping facial hair and save the cooling gel for my body.
I have every intention of using this product to remove all of my body hair permanently, and, honestly, it probably comes with enough flashes that two people or more could remove all their body hair.
This thing is absolutely worth it and more! Definitely one of the best purchases I have made. It permanently removes body hair, and there is no downside. If your body hair is darker than your skin tone, you should absolutely buy it."

Read on if you're not convinced that such a simple yet affordable device can save you thousands in laser hair removal costs and electrolysis.
We will show you proof and make you the offer for a lifetime.
Here at KetchBeauty, we believe in equality and fairness. We have a 90-day money-back guarantee on all purchases. If you don't see satisfactory results after 90 days of using our IPL weekly, let us know so you can return the device for a refund.
Don’t just take our word for it, though; here is what our satisfied customers have said [Some of these names may be familiar]
“Finally, a device that works for us, brown-skin babes! It’s easy to use, and I love the simple instructions.” - Chastity.
“KetchBeauty is worth every penny; you get value for your money. It’s a great product, so BUY IT, and you won’t regret it. I have brown skin and dark hair, and I hated tweezing and waxing my facial hair. A friend recommended KetchBeauty IPL, and I decided to give it a try. It’s easy to use and works exceptionally well.” - Gisselle.
“I am so satisfied with this product. As a trans woman, this is a lifesaver, especially for girls who are too dysphoric to go for a laser appointment. Now we can all have hairless bodies and alleviate our dysphoria in the comfort of our own homes. Totally recommended. I tried this on my partner too, and to my surprise, it worked!” - Destiny Maylas
“Most effective IPL on the market! I recommend this product to everyone I know. I was spending thousands of dollars at laser salons because I didn’t think these at-home devices would work. I tried Ketch, and all I can say is WOW! I use it regularly on my legs and arms, and I have seen a huge difference. The V4.1 is even stronger than the original! It has made my life easier, body smoother, and wallet happier ;) It doesn’t hurt and gets the job done.” - Victoria Rose.
“I’ve been using this product weekly for six weeks, and OMG! The results are amazing. I’m actually really surprised at how fast I started seeing results. My hair [growth] has completely slowed down, and it’s not growing back. I’ll definitely keep using it, and I love it so far! - Mathilda Högberg.
“I’m in love with this device! I’ve had my own struggles to get rid of my body hair, but not anymore! Really satisfied and can’t recommend it enough. The value for what you’re paying for is incredible!!” - Nofar Morali.
The right products can change your level of confidence during your transition and beyond.
We know how it feels to walk into a room and not feel sure of yourself or your appearance. Let KetchBeauty help you get rid of that feeling for good.
Finally, a product specifically made for you by people who truly understand your journey. We are here with you, and we stand by you.
At KetchBeauty, we are so excited to help you feel like your authentic self with our affordable solution you can use in the comfort of your home.
2. Electrology hair removal
Electrolysis is the process of having a needle or small probe inserted into each individual hair follicle where a small electric current will pass through to zap the hair and kill it. The results are faster than laser hair removal but dramatically more painful.
Many electrology patients report being so sore that they cannot complete an entire hour-long session, resulting in the process taking 4-8 sessions for a single area which makes the price tag significantly high.
The average cost for electrolysis removal is $100-$200/hour. With many patients unable to complete the full-hour session, it can cost $2000 for electrolysis due to the need for follow-up visits to continue the process.
Electrology and Laser Hair Removal are done at clinics that can put you in a position with clinicians and professionals that lack proper training or empathy for treating those in the trans community.
Unkind or unaware technicians can make these vulnerable and time-consuming procedures even more uncomfortable.
3. Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is the process of taking a concentrated light beam and heating the hair follicle to destroy it. Single hair removal sessions for a specific body part can be pricey and is most effective for people with light skin and dark hair.
If you do not have this combination, these methods can end up being incredibly costly for repeat visits that may or may not cause irritation and burning of the skin due to struggling to differentiate between the hair and the skin.
The average cost of laser hair removal in the United States is $400/session, with each body part requiring individual sessions and 4-8 sessions for complete hair removal. Simply ridding your face of facial hair can cost anywhere from$1600-$2500on average.