Building Your Trans Community

These resources provide a range of support for trans women, including crisis help, legal services, advocacy, and peer support. Whether you are looking for online or in-person resources, there are many options available to help you build your trans community.


Table of Contents


  • Welcome to the Trans Sisterhood! Finding your tribe and building meaningful connections.
  • The importance of community: Sharing experiences, finding support, and celebrating victories.

Part 1: Finding Your Online Space:

  • Safety first: Identifying safe spaces and vetting online communities.
  • Finding your niche: Connecting with groups based on shared interests, identities, or experiences.
  • Engaging authentically: Tips for online interactions, building friendships, and finding mentors.

Part 2: Connecting in Person:

  • Tips to find LGBTQ+ community centers, support groups, and events in your area.
  • Tips to Branching out: finding National and regional conferences, retreats, and workshops for trans women.
  • Beyond labels: Tips to finding allies and supportive spaces outside of explicitly trans-focused groups.
  • Making the first move: Tips for overcoming social anxiety and attending in-person gatherings.

Part 3: Building Stronger Connections:

  • Active participation: Contributing to online forums, volunteering at events, and offering support to others.
  • Sharing your story: The power of vulnerability and representation in building community.
  • Setting boundaries: Maintaining healthy relationships and respecting personal space.
  • Dealing with conflict: Navigating disagreements and fostering respectful communication.


Part 4. Finding and Connecting with Other Trans Women (Resources)

Online Resources

  • Navigating the digital landscape: Popular platforms, forums, and social media groups for trans women.
  • Trans Lifeline
  • GLAAD’s Transgender Media Program
  • PFLAG Transgender Resources
  • The Trevor Project
  • Q Chat Space for LGBTQ+ teens
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Online LGBT Support Groups
  • In the Rooms – Global Recovery Community

In-Person Resources

  • - Transgender Organizations
  • - Transgender Programs at LGBT Organizations
  • - TransLife Center at Chicago House
  • - Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition
  • - Trans Doe Task Force
  • - Black Trans Advocacy
  • - Trans People of Color Coalition
  • - Trans Women of Color Collective
  • - Sylvia Rivera Law Project
  • - Lambda Legal National Help Desk
  • - FEMA Hotline
  • - Equal Access for Transgender People: A Guide for Shelters
  • - New York City Homeless Policies and Procedures for Serving Transgender and Intersex Clients
  • - Eviction Defense Network (For Los Angeles, CA)

Part 5: Conclusion




Building a community of like-minded individuals is essential for anyone, but it is especially important for transgender women.

The journey of transitioning can be a lonely and challenging one, and having a supportive community can make all the difference. In this article, we will provide resources and tips for finding and connecting with other trans women, both online and in person.


The Importance of Community

Having a community of people who understand your experiences and can offer support is crucial for anyone, but it is especially important for transgender women. Transgender women face unique challenges, such as discrimination, harassment, and violence, and having a supportive community can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety that comes with these challenges. A community can also provide a safe space for transgender women to share their experiences, find support, and celebrate their victories.


Part 1: Safety First: Identifying Safe Spaces and Vetting Online Communities.

When building a trans community online, safety is paramount. It's essential to identify and vet online spaces to ensure they are safe and supportive for trans individuals.

This involves being mindful of the platforms and groups you engage with, understanding their policies on inclusivity and respect, and being cautious of potential risks such as cyberbullying and harassment.


Resources like the National Center for Transgender Equality and the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation provide valuable information on creating and maintaining safe online spaces for trans individuals. Above all, here are some notable tips to finding safe space as a trans person online.


  • Research: Look for online communities that are specifically designed for trans individuals or have a strong focus on trans issues. This can help ensure that the community is more likely to be supportive and inclusive.
  • Check the community guidelines: Many online communities have guidelines or rules that outline what is and isn't acceptable behavior. Make sure to read and understand these guidelines before joining a community.
  • Look for moderation: A community with active moderation can help ensure that discussions remain respectful and safe. Look for communities with clear moderation policies and active moderators.
  • Ask for recommendations: Reach out to friends, family, or other trans individuals for recommendations on safe and supportive online communities.
  • Join LGBTQ+ organizations: Many organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign and GLSEN, offer resources and support for trans individuals. Joining these organizations can help you connect with other trans individuals and find safe online spaces.
  • Attend workshops or trainings: Safe Zone training, like those offered by The Safe Zone Project, can help you learn more about LGBTQ+ identities, gender, and sexuality, and can provide a safe space to ask questions and explore your own identity.
  • Be cautious of personal information: Be cautious about sharing personal information online, especially in public forums. This can help protect your privacy and safety.



Finding Your Niche: Connecting with Groups Based on Shared Interests, Identities, or Experiences

Once safety is established, finding and connecting with groups based on shared interests, identities, or experiences is a great way to build a trans community online.

This can involve joining social media groups, forums, or online communities that align with your specific interests and identity. For instance, platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Discord host various groups and communities for transgender individuals.

These spaces allow for meaningful connections and the exchange of experiences and resources.


Engaging Authentically: Tips for Online Interactions, Building Friendships, and Finding Mentors

Engaging authentically in online interactions is key to building a strong and supportive trans community. This includes being open, respectful, and genuine in your communications.

It's also important to seek out mentors who can provide guidance and support. Resources like the Transgender People hub and The Trevor Project offer tips and guidance on how to engage authentically in online spaces and build meaningful connections within the trans community.


Part 2: Connecting In Person:

While online spaces provide community access across geography, in-person gatherings offer unparalleled support.

Surrounding yourself with other trans women face-to-face can be validating and empowering. Consider the following tips:


Find Local Resources

Look for LGBTQ+ and specifically trans/non-binary focused community centers, support groups, and social organizations in your city or region.

Attend local Pride events, rallies, vigils, and protests to connect with other trans folks. Search for trans-friendly spiritual communities and houses of worship.

Seek volunteer opportunities with local LGBTQ+ nonprofits. Follow local queer promoters and artists to find events.


Attend Conferences and Retreats:

Expand your network by attending national and regional trans conferences like the Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference, Gender Odyssey, Transcending Boundaries Conference, and the Southern Comfort Conference.

Look for trans-focused retreats and workshops like Camp Lost Boys. Conferences offer workshops, social events, keynotes by trans luminaries, and designated hotel room blocks to build in-person communities.


Look Beyond Labels

Don't limit yourself to explicitly trans/LGBTQ-focused groups. Find allies by connecting with broader communities aligned with your interests and values.

Join a local recreational sports league, gaming group, book club, or faith community.

The key is finding spaces that center respect, empathy, and kindness. Lead with your humanity rather than your gender identity.


Overcome Social Anxiety

Attending in-person gatherings can feel vulnerable, especially at first. Fight the urge to isolate. Take small steps out of your comfort zone.

Consider going with a friend or reaching out to organizers ahead of time. Focus on listening and observing until you feel more comfortable engaging.

Be patient with yourself and acknowledge that becoming part of a community takes time.


Making the First Move:

  • Start Small: If social anxiety is holding you back, begin by attending smaller, more intimate gatherings. This could be a support group meeting at a local LGBTQ+ center or a coffee meetup organized through an online group.
  • Bring a Friend: Ask a supportive friend to accompany you to your first event. Having someone familiar by your side can ease anxiety and make the experience more comfortable.
  • Focus on Shared Experiences: Look for opportunities to connect with others based on shared interests or experiences. This can be a great way to break the ice and build rapport.
  • Be Patient: Building meaningful connections takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if you don't click with everyone you meet. Keep putting yourself out there and be patient with the process.


Part 3: Building Stronger Connections:

Building Your Trans Community: Building Stronger Connections

Finding your community is just the first step. Building strong, meaningful connections within that community is where the true magic happens.

This part will delve into the essential aspects of fostering deeper bonds and creating a supportive network as a trans woman:


Active Participation:

  • Engage in online forums: Contribute to discussions, share your perspectives, and offer support to others in online communities. This not only helps you connect with others but also allows you to learn from their experiences and contribute to the collective knowledge base.
  • Volunteer at events: Volunteering at LGBTQ+ events, conferences, or even at local support groups can be a rewarding way to give back to the community while expanding your network and building stronger connections with individuals who share your values.
  • Offer support to others: Be there for others in your community. Offer a listening ear, share words of encouragement, and celebrate their successes. This creates a sense of reciprocity and strengthens your bonds with others.


Sharing Your Story:

  • The power of vulnerability: Sharing your story, even in small ways, can be incredibly powerful. It allows others to connect with you on a deeper level, fosters empathy and understanding, and can even inspire others to share their own experiences.
  • Representation matters: By sharing your story, you contribute to positive representation of trans women. It shows others that they're not alone, challenges harmful stereotypes, and paves the way for a more inclusive and accepting world.
  • Start small: You don't have to share your entire life story at once. Start by sharing small anecdotes, experiences, or feelings with trusted individuals within your community. As you feel more comfortable, you can gradually open up more.


Setting Boundaries:

  • Know your limits: It's okay to say no. Don't feel obligated to share everything or participate in activities that make you uncomfortable. Setting healthy boundaries protects your energy and ensures you have the capacity to build fulfilling connections.
  • Respect personal space: Everyone has different levels of comfort with sharing personal information and engaging in emotional intimacy. Respect the boundaries of others and be mindful of your own.
  • Communicate openly: If you feel someone is overstepping your boundaries, communicate your needs clearly and assertively. Don't be afraid to politely decline invitations or requests that make you uncomfortable.


Dealing with Conflict:

  • Expect disagreements: Disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, including those within your trans community. Don't shy away from them, but approach them with a spirit of understanding and respect.
  • Focus on communication: When faced with a disagreement, focus on open and honest communication. Listen actively to the other person's perspective, express your own feelings calmly and respectfully, and seek common ground.
  • Empathy is key: Try to understand where the other person is coming from, even if you don't agree with them. Show empathy and compassion, and avoid resorting to personal attacks or insults.
  • Seek mediation: If you're struggling to resolve a conflict on your own, consider seeking mediation from a trusted friend, community leader, or therapist. They can provide a neutral space for both parties to express their concerns and work towards a solution.



Part 4. Finding and Connecting with Other Trans Women (Resources)

Online Resources:

As a trans person, finding and connecting with other trans women can be a crucial aspect of building a supportive community.

Here are some online resources that can help you navigate the digital landscape, connect with other trans women, and find support:


  • Trans Lifeline: Trans Lifeline is a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. They offer emotional support and resources for trans individuals in crisis.
  • GLAAD’s Transgender Media Program: GLAAD’s Transgender Media Program works to improve the representation of transgender people in the media. They offer resources and support for trans individuals and allies.
  • PFLAG Transgender Resources: PFLAG is a national organization that provides support, education, and advocacy for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. They offer resources specifically for transgender individuals and their loved ones.
  • The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project is a national organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+ youth. They offer resources and support for trans individuals and allies.
  • Q Chat Space for LGBTQ+ Teens: Q Chat Space is an online chat platform specifically for LGBTQ+ teens. It provides a safe and supportive space for teens to connect with others and find resources.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Online LGBT Support Groups: Alcoholics Anonymous offers online support groups specifically for LGBTQ+ individuals struggling with addiction.
  • In the Rooms – Global Recovery Community: In the Rooms is an online recovery community that offers support and resources for individuals struggling with addiction. They have a specific group for LGBTQ+ individuals.


In-Person Resources

  • Transgender Organizations: Look for local and national organizations that focus on transgender issues and support. These organizations can provide resources, events, and opportunities to connect with other trans women in person.
  • Transgender Programs at LGBT Organizations: Many LGBT organizations offer programs specifically for transgender individuals. These programs can provide support, education, and opportunities to connect with other trans women.
  • TransLife Center at Chicago House: The TransLife Center at Chicago House is a resource center for transgender individuals in the Chicago area. They offer a variety of services, including counseling, support groups, and advocacy.
  • Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition: The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition is a statewide organization that advocates for the rights and needs of transgender individuals in Massachusetts. They offer resources, events, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts.
  • Trans Doe Task Force: The Trans Doe Task Force is a national organization that focuses on identifying and advocating for the rights of transgender individuals who have been murdered or gone missing. They offer resources, events, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts.
  • Black Trans Advocacy: Black Trans Advocacy is an organization that focuses on advocating for the rights and needs of Black transgender individuals. They offer resources, events, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts.
  • Trans People of Color Coalition: The Trans People of Color Coalition is a national organization that focuses on advocating for the rights and needs of transgender individuals of color. They offer resources, events, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts.
  • Trans Women of Color Collective: The Trans Women of Color Collective is a national organization that focuses on advocating for the rights and needs of transgender women of color. They offer resources, events, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts.
  • Sylvia Rivera Law Project: The Sylvia Rivera Law Project is a legal organization that focuses on advocating for the rights and needs of transgender individuals, particularly those who are low-income or otherwise marginalized. They offer resources, events, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts.
  • Lambda Legal National Help Desk: Lambda Legal is a national organization that provides legal support and advocacy for LGBT individuals, including transgender individuals. They offer resources, events, and opportunities to get involved in advocacy efforts.
  • FEMA Hotline: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers a hotline for transgender individuals who have been impacted by natural disasters or other emergencies. They can provide resources and support during these times.
  • Equal Access for Transgender People: A Guide for Shelters: This guide provides resources and best practices for shelters and other organizations that serve transgender individuals. It can help ensure that transgender individuals have access to safe and supportive environments.
  • New York City Homeless Policies and Procedures for Serving Transgender and Intersex Clients: This document provides policies and procedures for serving transgender and intersex individuals who are experiencing homelessness in New York City. It can help ensure that these individuals receive the support and resources they need.
  • Eviction Defense Network (For Los Angeles, CA): The Eviction Defense Network provides resources and support for transgender individuals who are facing eviction in Los Angeles. They can help ensure that transgender individuals have access to safe and stable housing.



Part 5: Conclusion

Building community and connections with other trans women provides invaluable support, resources, and sisterhood. This guide offered tips and resources to help you safely navigate online spaces, find local in-person gatherings, and build meaningful bonds.

Remember that community takes time and vulnerability. Be patient with yourself and others. Focus first on spaces that exude empathy, integrity and care. Share your story when you feel comfortable, but prioritize setting healthy boundaries. Through Sisterhood, we uplift and empower one another. You are not alone.

The resources provided give a starting point to find crisis support services, legal/health resources, social groups, conferences/events, and more. Search for communities tailored to your specific interests, identities and needs. Lean on the wisdom and lived experiences of those further along. And in turn, be a mentor to those just starting out.

Together, we can build a stronger, more connected trans community rooted in compassion and support. The possibilities are as limitless as our collective courage, resilience and authenticity.