Understanding Gender Dysphoria: A Transgender Woman's Experience

Gender dysphoria is a feeling of discomfort or distress caused by a mismatch between one's gender identity and the sex assigned at birth.

In this article, we will explore the experiences of transgender YouTuber Mathilda Hogberg, who has over 100,000 subscribers, as she describes her journey with gender dysphoria both before and after her transition. Let's delve deeper into understanding gender dysphoria.


Mathilda's Intense Gender Dysphoria Prior to Transition

Mathilda realized she was transgender at 15 years old because of intense gender dysphoria that worsened during puberty. She hated every part of her pre-transition male body and presentation.

Things like showering, relationships, and intimacy were very difficult due to extreme body dysphoria.

Mathilda also felt dysphoric about the way guys treated her as one of them. The dysphoria was so bad she didn't experience sexual pleasure until after transitioning.

As Mathilda describes, "Dysphoria was really, really bad, and once I transitioned when I was around 18 years old a lot of my gender dysphoria kind of got like went away."


Hormones and Surgery Helped Alleviate Much of the Dysphoria

Starting hormone replacement therapy and getting gender-affirming surgeries helped relieve a lot of Mathilda's dysphoria.

Developing feminine secondary sex characteristics like breasts, hips, and a smaller waist made her feel much better about her body. These changes "kind of saved my life," says Mathilda.

Though much improved, not all of the gender dysphoria went away. Some still linger in certain areas.


Ongoing fight with Gender Dysphoria Post-Transition

Though Mathilda passes as a cisgender woman now, she still battles gender dysphoria at times.

It comes and goes, some months worse than others. She gets comments that attractive women can't be dysphoric but explains it doesn't completely disappear even after the transition.

The dysphoria now centers on specific body parts, like facial features she considers too masculine. Not being able to have biological children also causes her distress. Mathildacopes by focusing on positive body image and self-talk about her transition progress.



Though improved with medical transition, Mathilda may deal with residual gender dysphoria for life. Her story illustrates how transgender people can still struggle with body image and self-acceptance even after transitioning.

Ongoing support and affirmation from society is important as they learn to love themselves.